Overlay has been updated to release 679
- New combined license, SR and iRating display has been added to timing tower and battle component.
- Car number background and text color can be now be set to driver, team or class color.
- NASCAR ticker has been fully localised.
- Automatic car number outline selection as a function of text and background luma and hue has been improved

Combined License Display
Select the Lic Detail option in the Timing Tower and/or Battle Box Components as shown below (in this example it is selected in column 2):

Download the updated Components from here:
Car Number background and text color
Download the new Car Number Color Component and read more about the features here:

NASCAR Ticker Localisation
The following localisation can now be made in the NASCAR Ticker:
Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.SessionTypes = "'Practice':'PRACTICE', 'Warmup':'WARMUP'"; Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.SessionLapsElapsedOfTotalLapsFormat = "LAP {0} of {1}"; Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.SessionLapsToGoFormat = "{2} LAPS TO GO"; Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.SessionLapsElapsedFormat = "LAP {0}"; Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.Caution = "CAUTION"; Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.IntervalText = "INTERVALS"; Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.BestLapText = "BEST LAP"; Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.LastLapText = "LAST LAP"; Overlay.NascarTicker2020.Localisation.ManufacturerText = "MANUFACTURER";
Copy the localisation you want to make into your Initial Variable Values window and make the required edit to the value. Most values above can be simply replaced with your desired text. For the SessionTypes variable only replace the capitalised text. You can find more information on Language Localisation here: https://www.sdk-gaming.co.uk/language-localisation/
Please ask in our Discord server if you have any issues getting this working as desired.