Driver Information is a client application to the SDK Gaming driver database. This app is available free to every driver to upload and maintain more detailed information about him or herself than iRacing does for display on SDK Gaming overlays used by any customer.
The application can be downloaded here: DriverInformation.exe
Once the download has completed click the download to run Driver Information. If Windows opens a dialog box telling you the application might be a threat to your system, you will need to click additional information, then run. We assure you the .exe is safe to run!

Connection to iRacing
Driver Information uses iRacing to determine the identity of the connected driver. Therefore Driver Information only allows editing of driver data when iRacing is running and the driver is in a car in a live session.
Connection states (lower left of the window):
- When iRacing is not running no data field can be edited and connection state displays:
- When iRacing is running but driver is not in a live session or not sat in the car (practice, qualify, race or test) no data field can be edited and connection state displays:
- When iRacing is running, driver is in a live session and driver is sat in the car (practice, qualify, race or test) all data fields can be edited and connection state displays:
As soon as Connected is displayed all driver data is loaded and displayed ready for editing.
Data Fields
- iRacing ID and iRacing name are both read only data fields. Both fields are updated automatically as soon as a live iRacing session is entered.
- First name, Last name and Suffix can be used to override the iRacing name in SDK Gaming overlays. Some iRacing names contain digits or wrong characters that can be changed to get the desired display in the overlay. If left blank iRacing name will not be overridden.
- Country overrides the iRacing club name when it is set to anything else than None. Some of the club names provided by iRacing are region names (Iberia, DE-AT-CH, benelux, asia etc…) that are not very accurate. The Country field allows to set the exact country from a list of more than 250.
- Team name is used to specify a team name in non team sessions. In iRacing teams only exist in team races when several drivers share a car. There is no built in provision for teams running multiple cars in a single session. When this field is set it will replace the iRacing multi car team name or club name in the overlay.
- Picture preview and Load driver picture are used to upload, pan and crop a driver picture:
- First click Load driver picture and select a JPG or PNG file. PNG is the preferred format as it allows a transparent background.
- When a picture is loaded it is displayed in the preview frame.
- The picture can then be panned by clicking and dragging. The picture can also be zoomed in and out using a mouse wheel.
- When the Update button is clicked only the visible part of the picture is uploaded into the database and then downloaded back into the preview frame to represent exactly the picture in the database: it can’t be panned anymore as the areas surrounding the frame have been cut out.
- Picture is resized to 500 x 500 pixels for fast download into the overlay.
- Bio, Latest news, Website, YouTube channel, Twitter channel, Twitch channel, Facebook page are fields that can be used by commentators to help them use relevant information in their comments.
- Remove and Update buttons
- When clicking the Remove button all driver’s data is removed from the database
- When clicking the Update button driver data is created or updated in the database.